Archive   Advisory

Sl.No. Title Publish Date
121 Waiving of inspection to FBOs with valid registration under EIC   PDF file 04-12-2012
122 Licensing/Registration of Alcoholic Drinks   PDF file 18-12-2012
123 Uniform Numbering System for licensing   PDF file 09-06-2014
124 Office Order dated 09th February 2017 regarding Notification of Authorized Officer in Kandla Port   PDF file 09-02-2017
125 Order w.r.t use of packaging material for new geographic entity.   PDF file 07-01-2015
126 Order to rationalise licensing/registration in respect of dairy industry   PDF file 14-01-2015
127 Exemption of Licensing/Registration under FSS Act, 2006.   PDF file 21-01-2015
128 Granting License for exporting FBOs   PDF file 21-01-2015
129 Inspection of premises before issue of license   PDF file 12-02-2015
130 Introduction of Self declaration system to substitute affidavits in the Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses.   PDF file 26-03-2015
131 Exemption of Unit Run Canteens from the purview of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) licensing.   PDF file 15-02-2016
132 Notification of FSSAI’s Designated Officer for Central Licensing under Section 36 of FSS Act, 2006   PDF file 09-02-2016
133 Clarification on use of Monosodium Glutamate as flavour enhancer in seasoning for Noodles and Pastas   PDF file 31-03-2016
134 Enforcement activities on Traders in Mandis procuring agricultural produce directly from farmers   PDF file 31-05-2016
135 Registration of FBOs using the platform of Common Service Centre- Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC-SPV)   PDF file 01-06-2016
136 Licensing of FBOs having establishments at Airports and Seaports   PDF file 18-07-2016
137 Registration of FBOs using the platform of Common Service Centre- Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC-SPV)   PDF file 17-08-2016
138 Clarification on requirement of Board Resolution in obtaining Licenses under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and Rules and Regulation made thereunder   PDF file 29-11-2016
139 Clarification regarding use of FSSAI logo and name by FBOs   PDF file 10-02-2017
140 Extension of time linefor appointment of Designated Officer (appointed on Additional Charge basis) by amendment to Rule 2.1.2 (1) (iii) (b) of FSS Rules, 2011   PDF file 28-02-2017