Archive   Advisory

Sl.No. Title Publish Date
81 Advisory - 8th June 2015- Commissioners of Food Safety.   PDF file 08-06-2015
82 Order to M/s Nestle India Ltd.   PDF file 05-06-2015
83 Statutory Advisory dated 25th May 2015 on Iron Filing in Tea.   PDF file 26-05-2015
84 Statutory Advisory on Iron Filing in Tea.   PDF file 21-11-2014
85 Extension of time period dated 31stJuly 2014 for compliance of Caramel level as preposed under Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2011   PDF file 04-08-2014
86 Extending time period for complying with requirements under the Gazatte Notifications No. P 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI dated 27.06.2013   PDF file 01-07-2014
87 Ban on Import of dairy Products from China.   PDF file 19-06-2014
88 Statutory Advisory on extending time line upto 04.08.2014 for Food Business Operators seeking conversion/renewal license/registration under repealed Orders.   PDF file 05-02-2014
89 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on FSSAI Act and Regualations.   PDF file 05-02-2014
90 Extending time period for complying with requirement under the Gazette Notifications No. P 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI   PDF file 27-06-2013
91 Notification No. 4/15015/30/2011 dated 7th June, 2013 relating to the FSSAI licence number and logo on the label of the food products.   PDF file 31-10-2013
92 Advisory on Extending time period for complying with requirements under the Notifications No. P. 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI, dated 27.06.2013.   PDF file 27-06-2013
93 Advisory on Extending time period for complying with requirements under the Notifications No. P. 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI, published in Official Gazzette on 27.7.2013.   PDF file 27-07-2013
94 Statutory Advisory on use of glazing agents Shellac, Beeswax (white and yellow), gum and arabic and pectin in chocolates at GMP level.   PDF file 28-06-2013
95 Advisory on Outbreak of Salmonellosis in the USA and New Zealand linked to Tahini Sesame Paste from Turkey.   PDF file 25-06-2013
96 Ban on Import of dairy Products from China.   PDF file 11-06-2013
97 Statutory Advisory on Extension of time period.   PDF file 06-02-2013
98 Guidelines related to Food Import Clearance Process by FSSAI's Authorized Officer.   PDF file 24-01-2013
99 Ad-hoc instructions related to re-sampling and re-testing of food grains including pulses consignments by Authorised Officers   PDF file 20-01-2012
100 Online payment by importers towards the lab analysis of samples of imported food articles   PDF file 08-02-2012