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June  2021

♦ Gazette Notification on Appointment of PHO / APHO / LBHUs as Designated Officers and Food Safety Officers at various points of entries (PoE)  [Uploaded on : 21-06-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification for the appointment of Food Safety Officer in Western Railway  [Uploaded on : 21-06-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification of NABL Accredited Laboratories under section 43(1) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 08-06-2021]

April  2021

♦ Draft Guidance Document & Standard Operating Procedures for fixation of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) of pesticides in food commodities  [Uploaded on : 09-04-2021]

  • The objections or suggestions, if any, may be addressed as per the attached format to the Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Food and Drug Administration Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi – 110002 or emailed to within 60 days from uploading of draft

♦ Gazette Notification for the appointment of Food Safety Officer in Southern Railway  [Uploaded on : 06-04-2021]

♦ Corrigenda for Food Safety and Standards (Foods for Infant Nutrition) Regulations, 2020  [Uploaded on : 05-04-2021]

March  2021

♦ Gazette Notification on FSS (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulation, 2019 related to Standards of Shea Butter and Borneo Tallow  [Uploaded on : 22-03-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification of NABL Accredited Laboratories under section 43(1) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 12-03-2021]

♦ Draft Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Import) Amendment Regulations, 2017 related to sampling of food imported for captive use or production of value added products for hundred percent exports  [Uploaded on : 09-03-2021]

♦ Draft Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Import) Amendment Regulations, 2017 related to sampling of food imported for captive use or production of value added products for hundred percent exports for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-TBT Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 09-03-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulation, 2019 relating to Amendment to Regulation 2.3, Fruit and Vegetable Products: (a) Inclusion of standard of Monk fruit under 2.3.6 “Processed Fruit Juices”;(ii) Amendment to Regulation 2.4 Cereal and Cereal Products: (a) Biscuits (b) Bread and Bread-Type Products (c) Jowar (Sorghum grains) (d)Maida (Refined Wheat flour) (e)Semolina (Suji or Rawa) (f) Breakfast Cereal (g)Pearl Millet Flour (h)Sorghum flour;(iii) Amendment to Regulation 2.8 Sweetening agents including Honey (a) Sucralose;(iv) Amendment to Regulation 2.9 Salt, Spices, Condiments and Related Products (a) Cumin (Whole & Powder)(b) Iron Fortified Common Salt (c)Dried Thyme (v) Amendment to Regulation 2.14 and 2.15 Gluten free food and Foods specially processed to reduce gluten content to a level 20-100 mg/kg (a)Review of Gluten free and Low gluten product standard(vi)Amendment to Chapter 3: Substances added to Food & Appe  [Uploaded on : 09-03-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification on the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Amendment Regulations, 2020 related to prohibit blending in Mustard Oil  [Uploaded on : 09-03-2021]

February  2021

♦ Gazette Notification of NABL Accrediated Laboratories under section 43 (1) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 16-02-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification of Referral Laboratories under section 43 (2) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 16-02-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Second Amendment Regulations 2021 relating to limits of trans fats in Food Products  [Uploaded on : 05-02-2021]

January  2021

♦ Draft notification on the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Amendment Regulations, 2021 w.r.t. non-transparent packaging material for water  [Uploaded on : 20-01-2021]

♦ Draft notification on the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Amendment Regulations, 2021 w.r.t. non-transparent packaging material for water for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-TBT Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 20-01-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification of NABL Accredited Laboratories under section 43(1) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 14-01-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) First Amendment Regulations 2021 w.r.t. incidental occurring of Khesari Dal in gram/pulses  [Uploaded on : 14-01-2021]

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Transaction of Business and Procedures for the Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels) First Amendment Regulations, 2021 related to revision of quorum of meeting of the Scientific Committee or Scientific Panel or Working Group and drawing up of agenda in consultation with Chairperson of the concerned Scientific Panel or Scientific Committee  [Uploaded on : 14-01-2021]