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July  2020

♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2020 relating to standards of Shea Butter and Borneo Tallow/Illipe butter for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2020]

  • The objections or suggestions may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.

♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on sales) Amendment Regulations, 2020 related to incidental occurring of Khesari dal in grams/pulses for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2020]

  • The objections or suggestions may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.

♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2020 w.r.t. new standards of Dairy Analogue and revision of standards of Ghee and other Milk Fat Products for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-TBT Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2020]

  • The objections or suggestions may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.

♦ Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) First Amendment Regulations, 2020 relating to microbiological standards for meat, milk and fruits and vegetables and the requirement for Salmonella in poultry (Chicken) meat  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2020]

♦ Food Safety and Standards (Laboratory and sample Analysis) First Amendment Regulations, 2020 w.r.t.Rapid Analytical Food Testing Kit, Equipment or Method  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2020]

♦ Food safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on sales) First Amendment regulations related to sale of beverages containing artificial sweeteners through vending machines  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2020]

♦ Gazette Notification of NABL Accredited Laboratories under section 43(1) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2020]

February  2020

♦ Gazette Notification of NABL Accredited Laboratories under section 43(1) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 17-02-2020]

December  2019

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 regarding Goat / Sheep Milk, total sodium content in milk powders and standards of some new milk products viz Medium fat Channa / Paneer, Whey Cheese and Cheese in brine.  [Uploaded on : 04-12-2019]

♦ Gazette Notification of the Food Safety Officer appointed under section 37 of FSS Act in Railways  [Uploaded on : 02-12-2019]

November  2019

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Addtivies) fourth amendment Regulations, 2019 relating to new standards of decaffeinated ground and roasted coffee, decaffeinated soluble coffee powder and revision of standards of packaged drinking water  [Uploaded on : 05-11-2019]

♦ Draft Notification on Food Safety Standards (Safe Food and Healthy Diets for School Children) Regulations, 2019  [Uploaded on : 04-11-2019]

♦ Draft Notification on Food Safety Standards (Safe Food and Healthy Diets for School Children) Regulations, 2019 for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 04-11-2019]

October  2019

♦ Notice dated 04th October 2019 related to draft guidelines on Working with the Private Sector  [Uploaded on : 04-10-2019]

  • The objections or suggestions, if any, may be addressed as per the attached format to the Executive Officer (Compliance Strategy), Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Food and Drug Administration Bhawan, Kotla road, New Delhi - 110002 or emailed to latest by 25th October 2019

September  2019

♦ Gazette Notification of NABL Accredited Laboratories under section 43(1) of FSS Act  [Uploaded on : 26-09-2019]

♦ Draft “Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) Regulations, 2019 to prescribe the tolerance limit of micro nutrients.”  [Uploaded on : 12-09-2019]

♦ Draft “Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) Regulations, 2019 to prescribe the tolerance limit of micro nutrients for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 12-09-2019]

  • The objections or suggestions may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.

August  2019

♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Amendment Regulations, 2019 relating to “limits of trans fats in Food Products”.  [Uploaded on : 30-08-2019]

♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Amendment Regulations, 2019 relating to “limits of trans fats in Food Products” for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 30-08-2019]

  • The objections or suggestions may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.

♦ Gazette Notification of Food Anayst Board Amendment Notification  [Uploaded on : 30-08-2019]