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2023 NOTICE(DR-04/2023)

Conduct of re-examination Computer Based Test (CBT) for the post of Assistant under Advt. No. DR-04/2021

26-10-2023 Download  PDF file [0.31 MB]
File No. HR-29/11/2023-HR-FSSAI-Part(1)
Selection for the post of Director (Pay Level-13) on Deputation on Foreign service Term basis against Circular no. Dep-01/2023
20-10-2023 Download  PDF file [0.65 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI
List of provisionally selected candidate and wait listed candidates for the post of Central Food Safety Officer under Advt. No. DR-04/2021
20-10-2023 Download  PDF file [1.28 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI

List of provisionally selected candidate for the post of Assistant Manager (IT) and IT Assistant under Advt. No. DR-04/2021

12-10-2023 Download  PDF file [0.33 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)
List of provisionally selected candidate for the post of Hindi Translator and Junior Assistant Grade-1(JAG-1) under Advt. No. DR-04/2021
11-10-2023 Download  PDF file [1.12 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)

Opening of Link for providing Centre Preference for CBT for the post of Assistant under DR-04/2021

File No.HR-19015/20/2022-HR-FSSAI

Result Notice (Dr-01/2021)

27-09-2023 Download  PDF file [0.52 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)

Revision of Vacancies for the post of Assistant under DR-04/2021

27-09-2023 Download  PDF file [0.46 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)/250

Re-conduct of Computer Based Test (CBT) for the post of Assistant in FSSAI under Advt. No. DR-04/2021

25-09-2023 Download  PDF file [0.68 MB]
File No. HR-29/11/2023-HR-FSSAI-Part(1)
Circular - DEP-01/2023 dated 10th August 2023 regarding filling up of various posts in the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) through transfer on deputation (including short term contract) on Foreign Service terms


File No. HR -12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI

Waiting List for Documents verification for the post of Assistant Manager (IT) and IT   Assistant (Advt. No.DR-04/2021)

18-09-2023 Download  PDF file [0.82 MB]
File No.HR-29/11/2023-HR-FSSAI

Shortlisting of candidates for the post of Executive Director on Deputation (DEP-01/2023)

15-09-2023 Download  PDF file [0.31 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)/249
Waiting List for Documents verification for the post of Junior Assistant Grade-1 (Advt. No. 
13-09-2023 Download  PDF file [0.82 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)

Waiting List of candidate shortlisted for Documents verification for the post of Hindi Translator and Junior Assistant Grade-1 (Advt. No. DR-04/2021)

01-09-2023 Download  PDF file [0.75 MB]
File No. HR -12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI
List of provisionally selected candidates for the post of Assistant Manager(Journalism or Mass Communication or Public Relation) (Advt. No. DR-04/2021)
31-08-2023 Download  PDF file [0.63 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)

List of provisionally selected candidate for the post of Junior Assistant Grade-1(JAG-1) (Advt. No. DR-04/2021)

29-08-2023 Download  PDF file [0.62 MB]
File No. HR/1/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(2)

Declaration of result of additional candidates for the post of Joint Director, (Specialization: Admin & Finance) against Advt. No. DR-01/2021

11-08-2023 Download  PDF file [0.27 MB]
File No. HR -12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI

Waiting List of candidate shortlisted for Documents verification for the post of Assistant Manager (Journalism or Mass communication or public Relation) - DR-04/2021

10-08-2023 Download  PDF file [0.85 MB]
File No. HR-12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI-part(3)
Waiting List of candidates shortlisted for Documents verification for the post of Junior Assistant Grade-1 (Advt. No. DR-04/2021)
10-08-2023 Download  PDF file [0.83 MB]
File No. HR -12013/6/2021-HR-FSSAI

List of provisionally selected candidates for the post of Technical Officer and IT Assistant (Advt. No. DR-04/2021)

07-08-2023 Download  PDF file [0.3 MB]