Food Testing and analysis is an essential part of the food safety ecosystem to assure that the food is safe to consume. For the same, FSSAI recognizes and notifies NABL accredited food laboratories under Section 43 of FSS Act, 2006. FSSAI is also recognizing foreign laboratories to reduce the time in clearance of food consignments at ports. FSSAI approved notified laboratories as National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) and as ancillary facility of NRLs (ANRLs) for specific purpose. Lists of all these laboratories are given below-

1. Primary food laboratories The Food Authority notifies food laboratories and research institutions accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories or any other accreditation agency for the purposes of carrying out analysis of samples by the Food Analysts. List as on dated 24.09.2024 Pdf size:( 1.11 MB)
2. Referral food laboratories The Food Authority recognizes referral food laboratories for the purposes of carrying out analysis of appeal samples. Presently there are 20 referral food laboratories. List as on dated 01.07.2022 Pdf size:( 0.82 MB)
3. National Reference Laboratories FSSAI has recognised National Reference laboratory (NRL) to set up a country wide standard for routine procedures, validation of such standard procedure / testing methods, development of new methods and ensuring proficiency in testing across the food laboratories with special reference to the risks or food categories. Either a primary food laboratory or a referral food laboratory can be considered for declaration as a NRL. Presently there are 11 NRLs and 2 ANRLs. List as on dated 25.08.2023 Pdf size:( 0.4 MB)