Third phase of Induction Training is Application Phase, where trainees will be sent to the field for practical experience. The aim of this phase is the assimilation of all the knowledge gathered by the trainee during two previous phases. Total duration of this phase is of 23 working days. During this phase, the trainee will be given specific tasks. After finishing each task, trainee has to prepare a report and has to submit the same to his or her appointing authority with a copy to the Food Authority. At the end of the On-Job Application Phase, concluding Session of the total Induction Programme will be held. In that session, debriefing will be held where trainee will present specific projects that they have been allotted during training. The projects will be evaluated at the time of presentation and certification to the trainee will follow subsequently.

Structure Of Application Phase Maximum Duration -23 Days Mode Of Training: On Job

Structure of training of Designated Officer is as under:



Refresher Training has been structured for existing Food Safety Officer or Designated Officer or Technical Officers. While Induction Training is mandatory for all newly recruited Food Safety Officer, Annual Refresher Training is mandatory for all officers. Two types of Refresher Training have been designed which are Routine Refresher & Need Based Training. The aim of the Refresher Training is to refresh the knowledge and approach of the Officers and to percolate additional information to them.

Need based Refresher Training will be subject oriented. Any specific subject, which will be useful for the trainee in enforcement of the Act, will be provided in three-day package. Any trainee, either FSO or DO or TO can enroll for this type of Refresher Training to get knowledge of any particular subject of his or her choice. Knowledge on new initiatives of FSSAI, new projects, standards, websites will be imparted through the need based training programme.


FSSAI have planned for one-day workshop for providing training to Food Safety Commissioner or Joint Food Safety Commissioner. Aim of this workshop is to give a brief outline on need of food safety, Food Safety & Standard Act and other major administrative role for enforcement of the Act.


Training Programme for Adjudicating Officers are designed specially to meet up the requirement of knowledge on rules, regulation on food safety, relevant provisions in other acts. Case studies, judgment also will be provided for ready reference.


Training Name Duration Mode of Delivery
Adjudicating & Officer's Program

1 Day On-Line     or     Class


Technical Officer’s  Program 1-3  Days Classroom
Train  the  Trainer’s  Program 7  Days Classroom
Training   for  Middle  Management Group 3  Days Classroom
Training  for  Senior  Management Group 3  Days Classroom