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  1. 3061. Notice Calling for suggestions [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  2. 3062. Notice Calling for suggestions [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  3. 3063. Notice Calling for suggestions [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  4. 3064. Directions under Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 regarding operationalization of standards of Food Additives for use in various Food Categories. [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  5. 3065. Notice Calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders within a period of 30 days on the draft notification related to Cotton Seed Oil [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  6. 3066. Notice Calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders within a period of 30 days on the draft notification related to amendment in regulation 2.3 relating to Fruits and Vegetables. [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  7. 3067. Notice Calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders within a period of 30 days on the draft notification related to maximum limit of extraneous matter in Raw Pulses. [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  8. 3068. Notice Calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders within a period of 30 days on the draft notification related Standards for Packaged Drinking Water. [Updated on:19-01-2016]
  9. 3069. Office Order dated 15th Jan. 2016 regarding Exemption of Unit Run Canteen (URC) from the purview of FSSAI licensing [Updated on:18-01-2016]
  10. 3070. Order dated 15th Jan. 2016 regarding Suspension of M/s Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services india Private Limited, Chennai from FSSAI authorization / recognition [Updated on:15-01-2016]
  11. 3071. Notice for operationalization of Food Safety and Standards (Food Import) Regulations [Updated on:14-01-2016]
  12. 3072. Directions under Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 regarding operationalization of standards of Food Additives for use in various Food Categories. [Updated on:14-01-2016]
  13. 3073. Food Safety [Updated on:13-01-2016]
  14. 3074. Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Amendment Regulation, 2016 regarding limit of biotoxins in fish and fish products. [Amendment in the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulation, 2011: Regulation 2. [Updated on:13-01-2016]
  15. 3075. Food Safety [Updated on:11-01-2016]
  16. 3076. Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) (Amendment) Regulation, 2016 regarding standards of Melamine in Milk and Milk Products. [Updated on:11-01-2016]
  17. 3077. Drawal of sample out of the commingled cargo of pulses for multiple importers with same IGM number [Updated on:06-01-2016]
  18. 3078. Proposed Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2016 (English Version) relating to standards for Proprietary Food for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries. [Updated on:02-01-2016]
  19. 3079. Notice for extending the time period granted to the Food Business Operators for complying with the provisions of the Notification No. P 15014/1/ 2011-PFA/FSSAI dated 27.06.2013. [Updated on:31-12-2015]
  20. 3080. Notice for extending the time period granted to the Food Business Operators for complying with the provisions of the Notification No. P 15014/1/ 2011-PFA/FSSAI dated 27.06.2013. [Updated on:31-12-2015]